Apartments continue to be popular amongst Wellington tenants, but which apartment type is the most popular of late?

Recent rental property listings on Trade Me over the last 3 months show 1-bedroom apartments in Wellington Central and Te Aro are advertised for an average 19 days, while 2-bedroom apartments are listed for an average 13 days, and 3-bedroom apartments for an average 20 days.
What’s interesting is 2-bedroom apartments appear to be more popular amongst tenants as it takes significantly less time to let, especially when compared to 3-bedroom apartments.
We’re not surprised the smaller apartments are moving faster. We’ve noticed how popular they are and we think that socialisation is moving from being with flatmates and their friends in the rented property to being at a cafe or bar, of which there are so many options. This gives people their own space but they now that the population in the city is much greater, they have easy access to social contact.
In future, we hope to keep a closer eye on this to give you more findings on tenant preferences in the Wellington.
Average Days Apartments Are Advertised On Trade Me In Wellington Central & Te Aro
1-Bedroom Apartment 19 Days
2-Bedroom Apartment 13 Days
3-Bedroom Apartment 20 Days
Quinovic Wellington Property Managers
Article written: November 2016