How to Apply for a Property with Us
Whether you’re looking for a rental or buying your first home, house-hunting can be a stressful time. Have a read of the following so you know what to expect when seeking your next rental.
Quinovic Branches
As part of a franchise, it is useful to note that all Quinovics are individually owned and operated. Whilst we have similar processes across the board, we are not privy to information about properties listed with other branches. When enquiring about another Quinovic property, be sure to check which branch it is listed with.
Where to Find Our Listings
All of our properties are listed on quinovic.co.nz, as well as on TradeMe. Feel free to view the properties being advertised here.
How to Arrange a Viewing
You can arrange a viewing for any of our properties being advertised. If a viewing time has been set, you will be able to book in for it via the ViewingTracker form on the listing. If there are no times currently set, you can send an enquiry via the ViewingTracker and our Letting Team will arrange a time and get back to you.
We hold viewings during business hours, and on Saturdays between 9.30am and 4.30pm. If you would like to set up a viewing time, please let us know via the ViewingTracker enquiry form so that we have all your details.
Viewing the Property
Please try to arrive at the viewing at the designated time. Often the properties will be tenanted so do not enter the property until the Viewing Agent welcomes you in. If you are running late, give us a call to let us know, however please note that we are not always able to wait as we often need to get to the next viewing.
Applying for the Property
If you like what you saw, you can apply for the property online. You will have received an email confirming your viewing time - there is a link in this email that will take you through the application process.
Please note that you are not able to apply for a property until you have physically viewed it. If you are unable to make it to any of the viewing times, you may have someone view it on your behalf.
When applying, you must include a copy of your NZ driver’s license or passport, and provide details of your current and previous landlords, as well as three character referees. Your character referees should be employers or colleagues (present or previous), as opposed to friends or family.
The Letting Process
Our Letting Manager will be in touch if they have any queries about your application or require any further information. Allow 5 working days for us to work through your application and carry out the necessary checks. We will be in touch to advise whether or not your application has been successful.
Good luck! We hope you find a home that's perfect for you.